Adrian Dmitruk - Web-developer / UE4 Game Developer

FPS / RPG / Race / Strategy / Arcade and many more ...

High quality effects, plenty animations and details with attention to details

All projects created with passion

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Programming, creation, passion and future is in our hands - Programmers

Unreal Engine 4

The Unreal Engine 4 is one of the best engines developed written in C++ created by Epic Games. In Unreal Engine, we can create many types of games such as Arcade, FPS, Race, RPG etc... We might use it as well to create a virtual project or map creator. Basically it was a great choose and because the editor is fully compatible with Visual Studio I decided to train myself at this Engine.

Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 is the best-integrated development environment created by Microsoft. With this software, we can create plenty of types of applications and websites either. Visual Studio is a great choice for programmers as supporting many extensions and is compatible with most apps. The best thing is we can use 36 different programming languages!

Game designs created in the UE4

Arcade Logo


Maze Madness (A game based on Pac-Man) => In the game, you play the role of a sprite who collects objects and then goes to the next level. In each of the levels, it also has to defeat enemies, who can be temporarily stopped/destroyed with the help of special powers that can be collected on the map.

FPS Logo


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Race Logo


Grip the racing game based on Grip created by Caged Element Inc. The space race on different tracks, dizzying vehicles and much more await you. A game created mostly using the c++ with Visual Studio 2019 + UE4.

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